The Incredible Shrinking Pineapple

It’s been a long road, but it finally happened.

I have officially lost 100 pounds!

That’s right! A full three digits of human flesh has been deleted from my frame. And…I have mixed feelings about it.

It’s hard for me to wrap my brain around the amount of weight I’ve lost so far. And, in some ways, it’s even harder for me to face. Obviously, I’m excited and proud, but if I’m honest? I’m also a little ashamed.

Announcing where I am requires admitting where I was. And that part is hard. It’s hard to admit that I was so out of control that I allowed myself to be the equivalent of two adult humans.


It’s blurry, thankfully, but that’s me, second from the left. October 2014, appx. 265 lbs.

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